Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Art of beautiful women Essay - 610 Words
The Art of Beautiful Women Introduction to Humanities, HUMN-303 Week 2 Proposal: I will attempt to display the comparison of the cultures that produce the Barbie doll and the cultures that produce the Venus de Willendorf. While talking about the two cultures, I will describe some interesting but common themes the Paleolithic cultures and the modern culture encounter: what our modern culture has embraced and those things that it has deserted of which the Paleolithic culture in high regards. Meanwhile through my discussions I will show how much of our world views have changed from an era of the Venus de Willendorf to the modern world view of what the ideal woman should look like and how the view of beauty†¦show more content†¦Conclusion: The main objective that was intended for discussion of this paper was to discuss the different women idols that are famous in today’s era as compared to the Paleothic era. The significance of women has changed with the passage of time along with the roles and responsibilities that were fulfilled by them previously. There is a major difference between the idealizations of art of beautiful of women in the Paleothic culture and the art of beautiful women that is referred to in today’s society. Some of the roles that women share from both era’s were that women were depicted as some sort of sex symbol, and important enough for being child bearing. The role that the Barbie play in today’s society will be researched in order to explore the societal, political implication of idols to identify the similarities and differences between the earliest known civilization and the culture of today ‘s era. Bibliography Koeller, D. (2003). Woman of Willendorf - Then Again. Retrieved November 05, 2013, from Kristina G. Seshadri, C. E. (2012, Jan-Feb). Obesity: A Venusian story of Paleothic proportion. Retrieved November 5, 2013, from unknown. (2011, November 17). ROGUE WOMAN: Beauty Culture at the Annenberg. Retrieved November 05, 2013, fromShow MoreRelatedNaked Vs Nude in Reference to Artwork Essay712 Words  | 3 Pagesstrip club uses the phrase all nude dancers one does not attribute the strip club to art just because the word nude was used. Nude in art can show the beauty of the naked body, and that can be appreciated by men, women, children, the elderly and so forth, depending on how it is presented of course. For instance, the David, by Michelangelo can be looked at as a work of art and can be admired as art. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Bill Cosby The Greatest Downfalls Known Around The World...
Like many legendary individuals, Bill Cosby has suffered one of the greatest downfalls known around the world today. Cosby’s recasted influential career has slowly deteriorated inch by inch as different accusations have surfaced against him. William Shakespeare, author of Hamlet, created an even greater downfall, but in a fictional story. Hamlet is a story pertaining to many worldly issues like revenge, women, and loyalty. An appearance from Hamlet’s past; his planned, fabricated, demented mindset; the arrival of two old friends; and the death of his beloved lead Hamlet into a psychotic state of mind that induced his determination to seek revenge. In the beginning, Hamlet appears grief stricken and soon shifts to the worst after his†¦show more content†¦In the play Hamlet introduces his mad behavior as a fictitious plan. Although he informs us that he is just pretending, there seems to be a fine line drawn between his pretend madness and his real madness. As he is speaking with his mother, he hears noises behind the tapestry and believes it to be Claudias. He shouts, â€Å"How now! a rat?†draws his sword and stabs through the tapestry, killing the unseen Polonius (III.iv.22) . The idea that he must get revenge for his father drives him into such a crazy state of mind he is incapable of making appropriate decisions, such as checking behind the curtain before just going on a killing spree. Another thing that sets Hamlet over the edge is the fake friendship Rosencrantz and Guildenstern commence with Hamlet. King Claudius invites Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to the palace with selfish intentions. Claudius requests the men to investigate Hamlet by â€Å"get[ing] from him why he puts on this confusion, Grating so harshly all his days of quiet†(III.i.2-3). He wants them to figure out why he’s acting so dazed and confused, as well as ruining his own peace and quiet, while all along Hamlet is well aware of their true endeavors. During their attempts Hamlets says, â€Å"Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me†(III.ii.340-341). Hamlet compares deception to playing a musical instrument by making the comparison that his friends think that it is easier to manipulate him than an
Monday, December 9, 2019
Development And Implementation Of A Mobile Application - Samples
Question: Discuss about the Development And Implementation Of A Mobile Application. Answer: Scope management; the project report base on Max and company limited whose management have decided to develop a mobile communication application to solve different issues concerned with marketing their products all over the world. The proposed project was designed to use wider wireless functions like the 4G network to increase on the work flow of the company (Morris et al 2000, p.155). Objectives of the project proposal; The project is developed to ensure a user friendly interface on the website of the company which will aid in protecting the customers (Cleland 1995, p.88) To reduce on the extra costs of the company for example costs in the deliverance of messages to customers and the operational costs is aimed to be reduced by attaching the tasks to the respective persons. To boost the performance of the company staff through advancement in communication of the company with its employees roles and responsibilities to improve on the efficiency of the IT department as the company heavily relies on the IT department (Rose 2013) Requirements collection and verification As the project is being developed and implemented, there are many requirements to be got before the implementation process begins and these among others include; new computers, hiring of experts and technicians to help in installation of the application and selecting the project management team (Snider and Nissen 2003, p.4). Validate control The selected project management team shall make a review in line with the aim to carry out the analysis of the project deliverables to ensure the project execution and success (Wideman 1995, p.72). Time management Basing on the high relevance of the project to the company, time will be a key factor to consider in the due process of implementing the project. Project schedule; to ensure the project progress, there shall be a project schedule to show different activities and their execution duration this is developed basing on the work breakdown of the project (Wirth and Tryloff 1995, p.109). Task name Duration Start and finish date The plan for developing a new mobile application 15 days 1/11/2017-15/11/2017 Selecting the project team 1 day 16/11/2017-16/11/2017 designing the mobile application 20 days 17/11/2017- 07/12/2017 Analyzing all the costs for the project 3 days 8/12/2017-15/12/2017 Development of the project. 30 days 16/12/2017-16/1/2018 Implementation of the project 60 days 20/1/2018-20/3/2018 Internal and external dependencies The project team will be responsible to ensure the smooth running of the project by identifying some internal and external dependencies and among others include the following; Execution of activities; logically, the activities will be implemented in a good order to achieve the tasks which follow each other (Kerzner 2013). Externally, the project team will ensure the execution of other development roles within the company. Schedule control; there shall be a team that will be responsible to handle the project activities in line with the proposed schedule to determine whether the project is beyond or below its schedule and evaluate the project performance (Heldman 2015). Cost management The implementation of the project will involve some costs and shall be managed by the project team selected. Below are the project activities and their estimated costs. PROJECT BUDJET NAME OF ACTIVITY ESTIMATED COST The plan for developing a new mobile application 8000$ Selecting the project team 100$ designing the mobile application 9000$ Analyzing all the costs for the project 300$ Development of the project. 900$ Implementation of the project 1000$ total 40000$ Control cost The project team management will determine the efficiency level and enhance the value, then the project stakeholders and manager will revise the activities and the required resources that will be used for the success of the project. Quality management This is the process of setting goals, objective standards and the outcome of the project to make sure that there is quality control. The project team therefore will follow the process of quality planning, assurance and control to ensure quality planning. Under quality planning the team will set up goals, policies, standards, and expectations, which the proposed project is aiming to achieve (Osseiran et al. 2014). Under quality assurance reviews, the project team will ensure the maintenance of the goals and standards that were set during the quality planning step. Basing on the reports collected, the team will mainly focus on keeping activities and monitoring resources. Under quality control, the team shall manage and overcome various risks that are likely to affect the project and monitor all the tasks and activities involved in the project with the aim of achieving the already set goals and objectives. Human resource management Roles and responsibilities; the stakeholders of the project and their responsibilities are as discussed below; The company executive director who will initiate the project and pass on the decision that is made by the board of directors. The board of directors responsible for making decisions which will help for the success of the project. The sponsor who will be responsible to finance the project for its advancement. The customers who are the group of people to receive the final service of the project. Managers who will be resource or functional managers to provide project resources or policy implementation (Cleland 1995, p.88. Project organizational chart Availability and commitment of resources To have the project success, certain resources are available such as software for the installation of the application, consultants and experts who have got experience in project management are available to give opinions and ideas to the management. Team development The project team shall be built to ensure project support at any time selected, it shall be launched, project life cycle services shall be put in place for the team requirement acquisition and the executive team shall be improved by assessing the tools. Communication management A two way communication will be ensured for the proper exchange of information during the project implementation. The communication especially with stakeholders shall be managed by limiting it sometimes due to the fact that not all the time there is need for communication (Cleland 1995, p.88). Risk management process. The process below will be followed to manage risks which are likely to affect our project implementation. The team will start by identifying and recognize the risk, it will then analyze its degree of effect, then the risk will be evaluated in details, the risk shall be tested after evaluation and will be reviewed and monitored finally (Atkinson, 1999, p.380). Assumptions and constraints It is assumed that the technology used in the company will considerably improve on the company performance and customer satisfaction. In reference to the goals and objectives of the company project, other operational costs will also be cut down. However, there are some limitations which may hinder the success of the project such as security where it can be hacked and lead to loss of information, unsecure user interface, among other limitations. These risks will be controlled by matching the inputs to planning various risk response (Osseiran et al. 2014. Procurement management Procurement shall be managed by conduct, control and close. Receipts will be issued, making approvals and reviewed. Stakeholder management The project manager shall be responsible to manage certain individuals who shall take part in the execution of the project. The key stakeholders will be executives, steering committee, sponsors, resource manager, team manager, and project team members. These shall be controlled by making sure they have fulfilled their roles and responsibilities (Snider and Nissen 2003, p.4). Project closure. This shall be the last part of our project and will involve the analysis and evaluation of all the activities exercised and finally the general report shall be made. References Atkinson, R., 1999. Project management: cost, time and quality, two best guesses and a phenomenon, its time to accept other success criteria.International journal of project management,17(6), pp.337-342. Cleland, D.I., 1995. Leadership and the project-management body of knowledge.International Journal of Project Management,13(2), pp.83-88. Heldman, K., 2015.PMP project management professional exam deluxe study guide: updated for the 2015 Exam. John Wiley Sons. Kerzner, H., 2013.Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Morris, P.W.G., Patel, M.B. and Wearne, S.H., 2000. Research into revising the APM project management body of knowledge.International Journal of Project Management,18(3), pp.155-164. Osseiran, A., Boccardi, F., Braun, V., Kusume, K., Marsch, P., Maternia, M., Queseth, O., Schellmann, M., Schotten, H., Taoka, H. and Tullberg, H., 2014. Scenarios for 5G mobile and wireless communications: the vision of the METIS project.IEEE Communications Magazine,52(5), pp.26-35. Rose, K.H., 2013. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)Fifth Edition.Project management journal,44(3). Snider, K.F. and Nissen, E., 2003. Beyond the body of knowledge: A knowledge-flow approach to project management theory and practice.Project Management Journal,34(2), pp.4-4. Wideman, R.M., 1995. Criteria for a project-management body of knowledge.International Journal of Project Management,13(2), pp.71-75. Wirth, I. and Tryloff, D.E., 1995. Preliminary comparison of six efforts to document the project-management body of knowledge.International Journal of Project Management,13(2), pp.109-118.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Yalta Potsdam Conferences free essay sample
Its advocating of peace was displayed in some of the points thought of during it. Body 1 Peace/Liberation 3 Points The Yalta Conference seeded to advocate post war peace by establishing a us successor to the League of Nations, the united Nations. Resulted in extrication of countries oppressed by Nazi rule Reformation of government for occupied states These acts took place to provide relief to those affected, and avert any salami TTY of this magnitude from ever breaking out. Want 2 Transition/ Intro to Body paragraph 2 Not all the terms set in these conferences were into ended entirely to preserve future peace. Some were formed in an effort to penalize t hose who inspired the war. Body 2 Punishment Reparations were again extracted from Germany as penalty for the countrys crime against humanity fines/ industrial capital (Also ties into peacekeeping) The nation was to be dismembered, disarmed, and demoralized, and their AR ms were to be confiscated. We will write a custom essay sample on Yalta Potsdam Conferences or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Nazi party and all its affiliated organization were to be dissolved. Nurture erg War Trials would later indict accused war criminals. Conclusion of BP The country was to be made aware that they cannot avoid the retribution they were to face, as they brought it upon themselves. Conclusion Sentence These conferences in some ways eased some countries transition from wartime and peacetime and ultimately were crucial players in shaping the PUC miming peacetime following the end of the war.
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